Thursday, June 4, 2009

Merger. A concept adopted by the current crimeware

Overall, we could say that the merger is the reunion, or union, of two or more components in the same environment. In such sense, this is the concept which seems to take the crimeware current through two of the kits administration and control of zombies via web are more active as ZeuS and LeFiesta.

The first, ZeuS, whose panel of authentication is shown in the picture, has implemented the template ZeuS Carding World, and the statistical data as type and number of operating systems infected countries where there are zombies and browsers who have exploited vulnerabilities in this case by LeFiesta.

As we can see in the screenshot, both packages have been merged into a single environment, apparently in an effort that seeks to unify the ideas malicious, and economic interests of both the potential to generate greater power of distributed attacks.

Although this may seem somewhat trivial, the truth is that this style of crimeware shared by others is to say, the same goals, transforming them into "weapons" highly compatible.

In another occasion I remember to have found a merger between two other crimeware packages that are also very active and has high levels of infection: Unique Sploits Pack and YES Exploit System.

So perhaps this strategy becomes a trend in which different actors, representing all Kits for centralized management and remotely via web, interact with each other to achieve a greater volume of zombies, allowing attackers a greater degree of power distributed.

Related Information
Unique Sploits Pack. Manipulando la seguridad del atacante II
YES Exploit System. Manipulando la seguridad del atacante
Entidades financieras en la mira de la botnet Zeus. Primera parte
Zeus Botnet. Masiva propagaciĆ³n de su troyano. Segunda parte
Zeus Botnet. Masiva propagaciĆ³n de su troyano. Primera parte
LuckySploit, la mano derecha de Zeus

# Jorge Mieres

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