Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thanks to everyone

Time to remember the past:

We started off as a very tiny site(we are still small), though we have expanded by a little bit. Thanks to every single volunteer who has made this happen. Thanks to our partners, viewers/users, media supporters, and everyone who has contributed to our team in one way or another.

Time to think about the future:

We are coming up with our new malware analytics portal which will be lead by Bonfa[PM] and rootkit analytics portal lead by Kirk. Bonfa and his 2 friends have been working really hard for the malware analytics portal and about 95% of the preliminary beta version for the release is done. We are expecting to see this site by mid-end of Feb 2009. Kirk[PM] and Naga[TM] have been working hard on Rootkit analysis portal, though it is expected to start up only by end of May 2009.

Kevin[TM] has been working really hard on Multi-core bruteforcer and will be up with one really soon. His research and analysis will be published soon. Jorge Alejandro Mieres[TM], has proven skills over consistent research and blogging. He will be working on our NectarGrid project really soon, though he is still doing his research.

Congratulations to Aditya K Sood[PM], who is our new Project Manager for the Vulnerability Analytics team, a portal for supporting CERT around the world, that would be coming really soon. Thanks to Kalyana Kumar[TM] for his constant dedication on PCAP capture, he is becoming a team lead by the end of Feb 2009.

Thanks to everyone else who are not listed in current projects, for your consistent help and passion towards information security. Keep it coming, guys!!!

- EF

[PM] - Project Manager
[TL] - Team Lead
[TM] - Team Member

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